Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
The Rotary Club of Umina Beach received its Charter and was formed in February 1976. In this almost 50 years we have faithfully embraced this charter within our local community and beyond. Our service as Rotarians covers all of Rotary’s Avenues of Service – Club, Vocational, Community, International and New Generations (Youth)– as can be seen in our Our Projects page.
In our local area of the Peninsula of the Central Coast there are three Rotary Clubs. Two of these clubs are mixed gender clubs, while our club is a mens’ club thereby providing a choice of membership style for potential new members of Rotary.
While our lady partners choose not to be Rotarians within our club they are certainly very involved in most activities which we engage in whilst also enjoying social meetings and outings amongst themselves. Every meeting of our club has is a Ladies welcome evening and ladies attend according to their interests in the activities for that meeting. As well as regular weekly meetings we also regularly enjoy vocational visits, social occasions, and short getaways together in all of which our partners are an integral part.
Our Current Board
David Tanare – President
Wayne Dowdle – Vice President
Vacant – President Elect 2025-26
Glen Scorer – Treasurer
Michael Dwyer – Secretary –
Robert Meyer – Youth Service
Rouel Vergara – International Service
Paul Quinn – Community Service
Vacant – Club Administration
Our Members
Dave Tanare
Simon Darwin
Paul Quinn
Mike Dwyer
Pat Lewis
Tom O’Connor
Bob Jennings
Tom Tregent
Jim Chamberlain
Wayne Dowdle
Ian Johnson
Martin Vine
Steve Hall
Mel Dodds
Matthew Maclure
Michael Garland
Life Members
Kevin Williams
Honorary Members
Col Keane
Dr John Irvine
Neil Thomson